11-13 Oct 2017 Roubaix (France)

Welcome to the on-line submission plateform of the 20th Etienne Thil Conference.

The 20th Etienne Thil Conference will be held from the 12th to the 13th October 2017, in Roubaix, France.

Prior to these two days of conference, a retail tour will be held on the 11th October 2017. It consits in different visits of innovative retail concepts. Registration for this retail tour is needed.

The conference will be hosted by the Institut of Retail Marketing and Management.



Key dates

21th February : opening of the online paper submission plateform

21th April 2017 : deadline for the electronic paper submission

2nd May 2017: extended deadline for the electronic paper submission

9th June 2017 : notification of acceptance to the authors

9th July : deadline for electronic revised paper submission

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